Marketing that makes a difference.

Your brand, our passion.

About us

Our online marketing and advertising company is dedicated to helping businesses succeed in the digital space. We offer a range of services designed to increase brand awareness, drive sales and revenue, and improve customer engagement and retention.

Our team of experts specializes in digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media management, and content creation. We work with our clients to develop customized campaigns that meet their unique needs and goals, ensuring that their digital marketing efforts are effective and efficient.

Prioritize individuals and interactions over target markets

Create rapid iterations over big-bang campaigns
Test & learn using data

Value collaboration over silos and hierarchy

We aren’t afraid to get vulnerable. As the scholar, Brene Brown said, “vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change”. At ADVERTISING FACTORY GROUP OOD, finding what’s possible illuminates potential, and having a remote workforce across the globe allows us to enhance innovation and creativity without borders.

Facebook/IG Ads

Social media is an important aspect of business that many companies simply don’t have the time to manage.

As an essential part of digital marketing, social media is something that, when done right, can elevate a brand to levels of success they’ve never even dreamed of.

Between organic and paid social media strategies, we’ve got your best interests in mind. Expand your traffic and reach, create a culture, boost sales, and run targeted ads to people who want your products and services.

Google Search Ads

Paid media attracts traffic that otherwise wouldn’t see your offerings. By carefully selecting keywords through a detailed analysis, we apply that data directly to paid advertisements across multiple platforms to increase traffic and conversions.

The world of pay-per-click advertising is competitive, but our team at ADVERTISING FACTORY GROUP OOD is well equipped.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn’s targeting options are incredibly granular, making for a fantastic platform to reach prospects in the B2B space. This is precisely why we separate LinkedIn from other social platforms. LinkedIn requires a unique strategy to achieve success on a platform where investment is higher than the likes of Twitter or Facebook. Audience segmentation and messaging are critical to success. We understand that many advertisers have tried LinkedIn Ads with limited success. Still, we are here to tell you that LinkedIn can be a successful and powerful platform for your digital outreach when done correctly.

Search Engine Optimization

Making a sale is about so much more than making a sale. With a killer SEO strategy, the conversion will come as a product of each step in the journey. Each keyword selected, and each button, blog, and blurb matters.

SEO is the engine of the marketing world. While many may not believe this, Google runs on SEO for organic traffic. Optimizing your website for long-term success is about getting clear on who you are, what you offer, and how you help people. From here, we develop a bespoke SEO strategy to implement across all your channels.

Your SEO strategy is both immediate and long-term, ensuring that traffic remains consistent and keywords are directly relevant to your business.

Digital Marketing

Your success, online and in the real world, is our goal. We focus our omnichannel strategies at targeting people not cookies, heartbeats not clicks. It is our goal to utilize our expertise in designing and developing powerful and cost effective digital marketing solutions for your business. Our digital marketing strategies are aimed at targeting the right people and understanding human signals. Data is at the forefront of everything we do. By using data-driven testing models, we are able to deliver highly customized digital solutions.

From fully customized pay-per-click advertising campaigns to programmatic display campaigns and search engine optimization, we do it all. We stay ahead of the game when it comes to industry knowledge and the latest updates, constantly striving to be the solution for our clients and solve for the unknown. Our flexibility, knowledge and Digital Advertising Services lead to our clients’ success.

Account Based Experience (ABX)

It’s like fishing with a spear for the exact fish you want, rather than the wide net approach.

As the world of marketing is evolving, so must the tactics we use.

Tired of cold leads, inbound marketing, and a burnt out sales team? Us too!

The world of marketing is going back to the basics with Account Based Marketing for B2B sales.

Gone are the days of an inbox full of cool leads, spending hours on sales calls with no ROI, and dreaming of landing your ideal account.

We’ll help you go straight to your ideal accounts with strategic and hyper-personalized marketing. With higher ROI, a faster sales process, and less wasted resources, Account Based Marketing is the way to go for B2B sales.

For any questions we are here to help.


20 -parte Oborishte str./blvd.
1504 Sofia

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